Monday, April 2, 2012

Punk Music

Dulu time aku tahun 1 kat U, semua student diwajibkan amek subjek BI. Yela kan, U aku ni U yang mengutamakan bahasa ibunda kita iaitu BM, serba-serbi kalau boleh nak dalam BM, so setiap student wajib la amek subjek BI. Kang nanti kalau grad, studentnye tak pandai cakap BI tak market lak kan hehe. So nak dijadikan cerita, antara assignment untuk kelas BI tu ialah buat blog dalam BI, tajuk bebas. Aku pun buat la blog pasal Punk Music berdasarkan knowledge muzik yang aku ada dan atas tunjuk ajar kawan-kawan yang tunjukkan aku apa kejadahnya benda yang dipanggil "blog" ni sebab aku langsung tak tau pape pasal blog huhu. So, kawan-kawan boleh la baca blog tu kat sini, BI aku ni tak seberapa sangat so kalau tak paham buat-buat la paham ye hehe. FYI jugak, blog aku ni dah tak update dan takkan diupdate lagi sebab aku dah lupa passwordnya hehehe. So enjoy........... 

Back to the day of my first year in Uni, as usual all of the student were compulsory to take english subject as a requirement to graduate. Yeah it's common right. Students need to do so because it's in conjunction with my Uni's vision which is to produce an english-well-prepared student, because my Uni's medium is our native tongue. Yeah, the thing would be uncool when a Uni's fresh grad can't have a conversation in english, so who's gonna put the blame right? So 1 of my assignment back to those days was create a blog with our own title. And my blog was about Punk Music based on my music knowledge and my classmates guided me in my blogging way because i was a frigging naive in term of blog or IT. So guys, you just can surf to my blog here, just drop by a few moment to read it. My english was so lame, i beg for your pardon if you guys don't understand it ok hehe. FYI, the blog won't be updated and will never be updated because i already forgot the password to access haha. So enjoy............   

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